Lynn’s thanks for Garden Support Fund help
A customer who was unable to tend to her garden due to medical issues has sung the praises of our Garden Support Fund.
The fund is designed to help general needs customers who’re unable to maintain their garden due to their age, illness, disability, or vulnerability.
There are three levels of support available to customers through the Garden Support Fund, from a standard offer of grass cutting and limited hedge trims, up to a security level service which ensures maximum visibility for customers and removes any potential hiding places.
One customer, Lynn Horrocks, found herself struggling to look after her gardens at her home in Grimsby, and reached out for some help.
She’s praised the scheme and said it’d been a huge help to her.
“I used to be able to do my own garden, but then I had a fall in my kitchen, which sliced all my shoulder open and I was in hospital for quite a long time with it,” she said.
"I’ve also got bad knees, asthma and COPD, so I could no longer do it myself.
“The gardens are just so big and I knew I couldn’t manage them – I’ve got a front and back garden and they’re too hard for me to handle.
My grass got so high, that I just thought one day I was going to call Longhurst Group and see if there was any help available.
“Through the Garden Support Fund, I managed to have somebody to come out and cut all my grass for me. They
came whenever it needed doing really.
“It was a massive help – a great big help.
I’m really pleased that they were able to do it for me. It would’ve cost me to get people to come and do it.
“It would’ve cost me over £100 to do it which I couldn’t afford. I just couldn’t afford to keep doing it with being a
pensioner. It was a lot of money.”
Before and After