And they called it Puppy Love! Residents enjoy puppy therapy
Residents at Friary Court had smiles put on their faces as they enjoyed a session of puppy therapy.
Colleagues at the Peterborough based scheme arranged for three puppies to spend some time with residents for the afternoon.
Zeus, Sonny and Lottie joined residents and enjoyed fuss, treats and walks. Emily Barry, Senior Support Worker, was involved in making the visit happen.

She said: “Studies have shown that puppies increase endorphins – or happy hormones – in our brains. We wanted to put some smiles on our residents’ faces, so we brought in some friendly pups for the afternoon.
“Residents were able to walk them around, watch them play and feed them lots of yummy treats.
While we watched the dogs play, we told stories about our own childhood pets, their names and lots of funny memories about them.
“Zeus is a Great Dane and is very friendly – he even managed to give one of our residents a very slobbery kiss! She absolutely loved it though and said it reminded her of her beautiful dog who passed away several years ago.

“Everyone had such a lovely time and we’re so pleased we arranged for this to happen. I’m sure everyone is going to be talking about it for a while.”
As you can see from the pictures, everyone had a great time – both human and canine!