Stock condition surveys help us to maintain your home – here’s what you need to know
We’re committed to ensuring the homes we provide are maintained to a suitable standard.
As part of our continued drive to improve the quality of our properties, we need to carry out quick and simple surveys of your home every few years.
These surveys will see a colleague visit your home to look at its structure, including the roof and the loft – if you have one – as well as the main fittings such as your boiler, kitchen and bathroom.
The purpose of the survey is to enable us to assess how long these major elements of your home are likely to last before needing to be replaced.
We use this information to plan ahead for our improvement works to make sure your home is up-to-date, so it’s really important that we’re able to gain access.
Ben Pursglove, Asset Investment Analyst, said: “It’s important that customers understand this survey is simply us looking at the condition of the property itself and is in no way a judgement on how you keep the house.
“The survey allows us to keep our databases updated with important information such as estimated dates for replacing major parts of your home, like kitchens, bathrooms, windows and boilers, and making sure there are no health and safety issues that need dealing with.
“We’ll also be collecting information which’ll help us better understand the energy efficiency of your home.

We want to do everything we can to keep your home in as good a condition as possible.
“Our surveyor will be at your property for a maximum of 30 minutes and will spend some time both inside and outside and they’ll take some photographs for our records – but we’ll make sure no personal information is included in these.
“Being able to make sure that the items we’re responsible for inside your home are in working order and will last their life expectancy will mean your home will be at the required standard for as long as possible.”
It’s important to say that any repairs that are needed to your home should continue to be reported in the usual way.
Customers will receive a letter around two weeks ahead of the planned date for the survey informing them of the date and time of the appointment. If you’re not going to be available, or wish to arrange a more convenient appointment, please call us on 0300 123 1745.
Ben added: “It’s really important that you allow us access into the property on the time and day we’d like to attend.
“If you’re not going to be in, please let us know so we can arrange an alternative appointment which is convenient for you.
“We want to do everything we can to keep your home in as good a condition as possible, and these surveys are an important part of that.