The form below allows Longhurst Group colleagues to submit routine signage requests for internal/external installation at sites across our operating area.
Routine requests should be submitted once the requester has undertakend a full site walkaround and completed a signage site survey form. Our aim is to cover an entire scheme or site in a single installation to ensure best value for money in terms of billable hours from our suppliers.
Process and turnaround times
- Requester conducts thorough site walkaround and completes signage survey form
- Full signage scheme drafted by Design Team and submitted to requester for approval
- On approval, signage will be costed, production commenced and an installation date agreed with requester
- Requester to act as site contact on date of installation.
Target turnaround time
Eight to ten weeks from submission of order submission to installation.
NB Turnaround is dependent on current volume of requests with Design Team and availability of suppliers.