Making changes to call handling for repairs service
As part of our new repairs contract, we’ve revamped the way your calls are handled.
To coincide with the launch of the new contract, we’ll be handling all your repairs calls through our newly established in-house Repairs Contact Centre.
This exciting new development means that when you call us to report a repair, you’ll be speaking to a Longhurst Group colleague in our brand new team.
Our team will field all customer calls relating to repairs and schedule appointments in a way that suits you, making the process more efficient and, most importantly, delivering a better overall experience for our customers.
Colleagues working in the Repairs Contact Centre have been undergoing specialist training on a number of topics including mould, condensation, damp and decay, plumbing and drains.
The new Repairs Contact Centre will be operational from 1 July, as part of the launch of our new repairs contract.

We’re now looking forward to working together and are confident that this appointment will really complement the new repairs service.
We’re also delighted to announce that we’ve appointed a new specialist provider to field emergency out-of-hours repairs calls from our customers.
We’ve appointed telephony specialists Appello to handle all emergency repairs calls that come in outside of our normal office hours.
The appointment will ensure consistency, robust data collection and, most importantly, an improved experience for our customers.
Work is now underway between our project team and Appello in preparation for the contract going live on 27 June – ahead of the launch of our remodelled repairs service on 1 July.
Sam Wylie, our Head of Customer Voice, said: “We’re delighted to have appointed Appello, an award-winning national provider that works with organisations from across the housing and care sectors to improve the lives of their customers.
“We’re now looking forward to working together and are confident that this appointment will really complement the new repairs service and provide a much-improved customer experience.”