A day in the life - Customer Engagement Officer
Becky Budge is one of our Customer Engagement Officers. As part of her role, she’s heavily involved with the new text message feedback system. Here, we look at a day in her role as she works on the new system...
8am – I’m working from home so I log on and check through any new emails. I also log into the Rant and Rave dashboard. This system collates all the responses to customer feedback surveys we’ve carried out. They can be submitted to us at any time, so I check through any received out of hours. The system notices the wording used and ranks them either green for positive or red for negative and I can make sure this has been recorded properly and amend any as necessary so that we’re seeing a true reflection of how our customers feel. If I find anything that another team needs to know about, I log this through to them.
9am – I pull off a report from the Rant and Rave dashboard to check what actions have been taken on any scores of 1 (very unsatisfied) that we’ve received from our customers. I check through this to make sure all scores of 1 have been looked at by one of our designated champions within two working days. Any that are outstanding are sent to the manager of that department to chase them up. It’s really important that these are looked at to resolve any issues as soon as possible for the customer.
9.30am – We’ve a Rant and Rave project team meeting. This is to discuss the next phase of our project. We are adding new surveys every month to make sure we get customer feedback on as many service areas as we can.
10am – Gary in the Governance Team has just let me know today’s surveys are ready to be sent. I then get these sent out by text message to our customers. These surveys are for people that have had a service from us the day before, such as a call to our repairs contractors or a gas service.
10.30am – We’re launching a new survey next week and so this needs to be tested. Rant and Rave send a test survey to my mobile for me to check the wording is correct, that the scores and comments come through to us correctly and that the whole process is working as it should. There was an issue
with this yesterday so I’m doing a last test to make sure it’s been resolved. I sign the testing off and the new survey is ready to launch.

11.30am – I join a meeting with our gas contractor Mears to show them the report I’ve made of the customer feedback we received last week. I go through how many customers responded to our survey, how many scores we received and the positive and negative feedback. I also check they’ve investigated – within two working days – any scores of 1. We work closely with our contractors and keep them updated on this feedback and what’s being done with it. They also have access to the dashboard so they can resolve any issues straight away.
1pm – Now it’s time for a meeting with some colleagues from our Legal Enforcement Team, as they’re about to launch a survey for closed anti-social behaviour cases to check how customers feel our colleagues handled their case. I talk them through how Rant and Rave works, show them around the dashboard, where the feedback sits and explain the process for dealing with low scores and how to add notes so that I can see what actions have been taken.
1.30pm – Customers can give feedback at any time on our website. Today, we’ve received feedback from a customer who’s struggling to log into their My Account page, so I pass this on to our Business Support Team, who can send the customer their log-in details. I also have a customer who’s trying to contact their Housing Officer, so I pass this on to the Housing Manager and ask that they look into this. I email both customers back to let them know what I’ve done with their feedback.
2pm – I’m spending some time focusing on the feedback we’ve had from customers that receive a grounds maintenance or communal cleaning service. I’m breaking all this feedback down into individual schemes and checking if this has improved or declined since their last survey. This information will help direct our customer
Clean and Green Inspectors to any low scoring areas to inspect the standard from a customer perspective. We hope that, between these two projects and working closely with the Estate Contracts Team, we can address any issues and continue to see customer satisfaction increasing for these services.
3.30pm –Time for a catch-up meeting with our Repairs Team. This is for the Repairs Managers and Repairs Coordinators as they’re the champions for feedback about repairs that’ve been completed. This meeting is to see how things are going as their survey is fairly new. I check through any 1 scores that they’ve received and they’ve all been actioned within timescale, which is great. Everyone seems happy that this is working well.
4pm – I finish at 4.15pm, so I spend my last bit of time responding to any emails received. These are often queries for the new surveys or amendments other teams have found and need me to make on feedback that has come in. Then it’s time to switch off before we start again tomorrow!