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Gender Pay Gap Report 2017

Gender Pay Gap Report 2017From the 5 April, 2018, the UK Government will require all companies of more than 250 employees to publish their gender pay gap figures on an annual basis.

The Gender Pay Gap shows the difference in the average pay between all men and women in an organisation. Legally, we are required to publish both the median and the mean gender pay gap information.

This is different to equal pay which means paying men and women the same salary for equivalent work. It is really important to us at Longhurst Group to reduce inequality, so we are being completely open about how far we have come and where we know we still have work to do,

As you know, Longhurst Group is made up four member companies and we are all employed by different parts of the organisation.

So we have looked at the Gender Pay Gap for the whole of the Group to give us a true picture. Otherwise the results look skewed.

Read our full report

You can read the full report, which includes each member company’s results here.

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