Longhurst Group donates bedding to scheme which helps the homeless
10 October 2019
A scheme to take rough sleepers off the streets of Peterborough during winter has had a helping hand thanks to a donation of bedding from Longhurst Group.
We are delighted to have been able to donate 25 sets of brand new Ikea bedding to the Light Project Peterborough’s Winter Night Shelter.
Fay Hirel, Head of Care and Support, said we are proud to be involved in work to tackle homelessness in Peterborough and hoped the donation would help make a difference.

“For a number of years, the Light Project Peterborough scheme has provided a night shelter to Peterborough’s rough sleepers during the winter months,” she said.
“The New Haven, our hostel in the city, acts as the coordination point during this time, where rough sleepers and Light Project Peterborough staff can meet, complete forms and then go to the night shelter.
“We also all meet regularly to talk about each person and what their plans are for move-on. The Group prioritises these rough sleepers for any beds that come up in our hostels during this time.
These will be used to provide a comfortable, safe and warm space for rough sleepers and will help make a real difference to them.
I put out a plea for donations of bedding and our wonderful Environment, Health and Safety Team were able to donate the 25 brand new sets of single bedding through their partnership with Ikea.
“These will be used to provide a comfortable, safe and warm space for rough sleepers and will help make a real difference to them.
“The scheme needs a lot of bedding so this is an important donation and I am proud that we have been able to make it.
“Our involvement with the Light Project Peterborough is another great example of our partnership working in Peterborough to reduce rough sleeping and improve people’s lives.”
The Winter Night Shelter works in partnership with different church centres across Peterborough and gives rough sleepers access to a warm dinner, breakfast and washing facilities, as well as warm bed with fresh linen.
The homeless guests will get the chance to speak to the volunteers on the project and gain support from these volunteers and the project workers to help them improve their current situations, move forward with their lives and into permanent accommodation.
This year, the Winter Night Shelter will run from 25 November to 13 April.