Longhurst Group backs national Make Things Right campaign
29 February 2024
We're supporting a Government campaign to raise awareness of how customers can raise issues with their landlords.
The Make Things Right campaign aims to ensure those living in social housing who have issues with their home know their rights, know how to complain, and feel empowered in the knowledge that their voice will be heard.
The Government has launched a widespread advertising campaign to promote Make Things Right and we're happy to support this.
Craig Taylor, our Director of Housing and Customer Service, said: "As a Group, we believe we have robust processes in place to resolve issues as they arise, but are happy to lend our support to the Make Things Right campaign to spread the word.
"It's vital that customers are clear about the processes involved with raising issues or making a complaint and their routes to redress.
"We've got lots of information on our website about our complaints process and all of our contact information is also on there, so our customers can always get in touch to raise concerns with us.
"We're committed to making sure our customers have a home that is safe, secure, and well-maintained."
To find out more about the Make Things Right campaign, visit www.gov.uk/social-housing