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Axiom supports new initiative to end homelessness in Peterborough

Axiom Housing Association has joined forces with 16 other organisations to launch a campaign aimed at ending street homelessness in Peterborough.

The partnership, called Safer Off the Streets Peterborough, brings together seventeen organisations from voluntary, faith, community and public service agencies, who will work together to help those who are sleeping rough on the city’s streets.

Axiom, which is part of Longhurst Group, manages more than 2,000 homes and care and support services across Peterborough, East Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Fenland.

Axiom itself operates a range of initiatives to combat homelessness in Peterborough, including the Severe Weather Emergency Provision (SWEP), which offers shelter for homeless individuals at its Fair View Court supported housing project.

Safer Off The Streets Peterborough.

Fay Moore, Head of Supported Housing at Axiom, said: “I was extremely proud to represent Axiom and Lonhgurst Group at the launch of the Safer Off the Streets Campaign as one of the partner organisations involved.

“Axiom offer a number of services in Peterborough for Rough Sleepers and, this year, we are doing more than ever by working with the City Council’s Outreach Officers to provide additional Crash Beds at Fair View Court for those sleeping rough.

“We have also appointed two new Floating Support Workers to specifically support those who have been homeless in the past to ensure they can sustain their accommodation. In addition to the extended Winter Night Shelter from The New Haven and the SWEP, we can help even more people in need.

“Safer off the Streets is an exciting opportunity for all of the organisations involved to reach its aim of ending street homelessness in Peterborough.”

Safer Off The Streets launch event, Peterborough.

Christine Graham, Chair of the Safer off the Streets Partnership and Co-ordinator of Peterborough Street Pastors Scheme added: “Rough sleeping is the most visible and unacceptable consequence of homelessness.

“A recent count showed that 35 homeless people were sleeping rough on Peterborough’s streets. Alongside the number of people sleeping rough in Peterborough, there are many other individuals and households living in temporary accommodation and experiencing homelessness in our city.

“Although there are many agencies across the city doing much to tackle the issue of rough sleeping, we felt a more targeted approach was needed. All the partners in Safer off the Streets believe that everyone has the right to a home, to have hope and to feel part of a community.

“That’s why charities and organisations across the city have joined up to create a network of support to help people who are sleeping rough, but also to look at ways to prevent and support people so they don’t end up on the streets in the first place.”

Christine added: “We also felt that although the people of Peterborough are already empowered to help, they are unsure about the best way to do this. Donations, however big or small, make a real difference to homeless and vulnerable people in Peterborough.

“We’ve now made it easy to donate money online, at cash donation points and a contactless card donation window. The website and social media will also keep people up to date on support available and to find out what items are in need.”

Donations will primarily go towards funding the day-to-day running costs of the drop-in hub, which will provide advice on support services and health and wellbeing with any additional funds being used for personalised budgets for rough sleepers to encourage them to leave the streets for good.

So far, the following 17 organisations have joined the Safer off the Streets partnership:

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