Business Continuity Plan supplier audit Introduction First name * Surname * Role or job title * Name of company/organisation * Contact number * Email address * Your services What is the main product or service you supply to Longhurst Group? * Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Do you have a clearly defined, documented and formally-approved management policy which outlines your company's commitment to business continuity and risk management? * Yes No Have you completed a Business Impact Analysis for your organisation? * Yes No Have you completed an Operational Risk Assessment for your organisation? * Yes No Do you have a Business Continuity Plan? * Yes No Do you have an on-going Business Continuity Management (BCM) programme? * This would include reviews, document updates, training, and testing Yes No Can you provide dates for: BCM Testing * BCM Review * BCM Training * What scenarios have been tested in the last five years? * Was any Business Continuity Management (BCM) testing effective? * Yes No What was the result of the BCM testing? * After your BCM testing was found to be ineffective, was it retested or are there plans to retest? Retest carried out Retest planned Neither of the above Have you prioritised the critical activities of your organisation in relation to the supply of goods and services to Longhurst Group? * Yes No What is the recovery time objective for your organisation’s most critical processes? * Please upload any supporting documentation using the uploader below Recovery time objective supporting documentation Please upload your Business Impact Analysis (BIA) document Out of five, how would you rate the quality of the contingency planning at your organisation? Evacuation * 1 (Low quality) 2 3 4 5 (High quality) Incident management * 1 (Low quality) 2 3 4 5 (High quality) Staff communications * 1 (Low quality) 2 3 4 5 (High quality) External communications * 1 (High quality) 2 3 4 5 (High quality) Alternative workplace(s) * 1 (Low quality) 2 3 4 5 (High quality) ICT systems * 1 (Low quality) 2 3 4 5 (High quality) Telecommunications resilience 1 (Low quality) 2 3 4 5 (High quality) Data breach/cyberattack * 1 (Low quality) 2 3 4 5 (High quality) Does your organisation have adequate separation to avoid the same incident affecting both your primary and backup data, as well as recovery sites? * Yes No In the event of an incident that denied you access to your premises, could you still provide your services to Longhurst Group? * Yes No Financial viability What is the status of your organisation’s financial viability, including assets, profits and revenue? * Financial viability supporting documentation – Annual Report * Upload file Provide link Upload your Annual Report * Annual Report link * Financial viability supporting documentation – strategy document * Upload file Provide link Upload your strategy document * Strategy document link * Please help us to fight spam Tick below and follow the on-screen instructions