Complaints test form - version one Personal details Name * Date of birth Please enter your date of birth in dd/mm/yyyy format (eg 2nd March 1973 as 02/03/1973). Address * Email To receive a copy of your form please provide your email address. Phone number Prefered contact method Phone Email Preferred contact time Morning (am) Afternoon (pm) Are there any vulnerabilities or disabilities that you would like to make us aware of or that are impacted by your complaint? Your complaint Considering the issue you wish to complain about, is this the first time it has been reported? For example, ASB, general query or a repair. Yes No Please call us Please call us on 0800 111 4013 to discuss the issue in detail, we can then look to resolve it as quickly as possible. Has the complaint been reported before? Yes No Have you received an acknowledgement letter? Yes No Thank you Please allow up to five working days for our Complaints Team to contact you. Please provide your complaint reference number This can be found on your complaint acknowledgement letter. Tell us in a few words what you would like to discuss about your complaint * Please add any attachments to support your complaint Please don't add more than five attachments to your completed form. Files should be no bigger than 3MB, otherwise your form won't be submitted. Please select the most appropriate category for your complaint Aids and Adaptations Assistive Technology, e.g. lifelines Care and Support Communal services, e.g. Cleaning / Grounds Maintenance Customer Services Housing and Tenancy, e.g. our handling of ASB Leasehold Services Lettings New build homes Repairs / servicing or planned works Sales Please tell us about your complaint * Include key information such as dates, times, contractor etc. Please upload any attachments, which will help support your complaint Please don't add more than five attachments to your completed form. Files should be no bigger than 3MB, otherwise your form won't be submitted. What can we do to put things right? Apology Compensation Reimbursement Appointment Repair to be completed Explanation Call back Other If selected 'other' please explain what we can do to put things right? Captcha: I'm not a robot